This simple thing ended up being a catalyst that changed the course of my life. I started looking at ingredients in food, discovered Paleo and a love of cooking. I overhauled my diet and originally founded this blog to share the recipes and tasty things I came up with. Then my scrutiny turned to the products I was putting on my body and using to clean the spaces I occupied and I suddenly had so much more I wanted to share as each day I discover something new. My goal now is to detoxify as much of my life as possible, from what I put on and in my body, and the things, people and activities I surround myself with.
It hasn’t been a straightforward journey, rather a path of self discovery, including steps forward and back. My dairy sensitivity was just the first part of my health discovery, as I have learned now it is a sign of more problems in the gut. I have new healing goals as I attempt to rectify years of damage from a Standard American Diet and not taking care of my mental and emotional health (as we often do in our fast paced modern lifestyle). Today, I wish to find a balance where my health and enjoyment of life meet.
This chick rocks!